This is great news because research offers insight on how we can nourish our endocannabinoid system (a biological system made up of neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain and other areas of the central nervous system) with foods already in use. These won’t hurt our pockets or leave us open to some of the toxic effects of THC, which is associated with negative psychoactive reactions in the body if over-used. While I’m not a big advocate of the wide spread use of this plant without supervision – as I have seen mental health deteriorate and destabilise in some friends who are totally convinced its safety – CBD oils and medicines are helping many people and children suffering with long term pain and brain dysfunction.
Perhaps we can look at safe alternatives that may produce a similar result; nature really issues its gifts to one plant or species. One finding from studies is that the active ingredient in cannabis, called cannabinoids, acts as ligands that bind to proteins and modulate receptors in the brain throughout the body. There are a few common plants that mimic this biological activity such as the essential oils of Rosemary, Black Pepper, Ylang Ylang, Lavender, Cinnamon and Cloves. Also, Echinacea, as well as the following foods: Truffles and Cacao, Omega-3 fats, Kava and Maca, to list a few. More research along these lines as well as a full breakdown of the components of Cannabis and how it the cannabinoids work in our bodies would be helpful.