This year’s Mental Health Awareness takes place from 18-24 May 2020 and revolves around the theme of kindness. Research shows that kindness and mental health are truly connected, and now more than ever, both are equally important during the Coronavirus pandemic. Protecting and maintaining your mental health is essential for coping and recovering from the current situation or even Covid-19 itself.
Your mental and emotional health and wellbeing are just as important as your physical health. Both Eastern and Western natural healthcare take a holistic approach towards health, where the mind, spirit, and body work together. Teachings and philosophy from different cultures throughout history also show that kindness is linked to mental health, with all human beings needing to experience and express kindness to fully feel alive and well.
Kindness not only means actions to others, but also to be kind to one’s self. Taking time for yourself, for meditation or to relax, and truly taking care of your own lifestyle, fitness and nutrition, can all help towards your mood and wellbeing.
At CCH Live we understand the important of emotional hygiene, and our Mental Health Service offers personal advice to help every aspect of your mental health. Our CCH Live Mental Health Service includes consultations for your health and lifestyle issues, creating an individual mental health plan of fitness and nutritional advice, specialising in natural healthcare.
Check out our previous blog post to find out how you can maintain your wellbeing and mental health during lockdown.
If you have any further enquires about this or wish to improve your health in general, click to see my services, contact me or call +44 (0)20 7240 0773.
For further updates follow @cchlivehealth on Instagram and Facebook.
#KindnessMatters #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek #MentalHealthAwareness #MentalHealthService #BeKind #MentalHealthAwarenessInformation #MentalHealthAwarenessImportance #KindnessMentalHealthWeek #KindnessandMentalHealth