Although I’m writing in May, April was an amazing month for many reasons – the glorious sunshine at the end of the month accelerated our Spring fever and blissfully rolled us into Summer in what seems like a nanosecond!
The sheer speed of life and the changes heralded last month was one reason it was so stimulating, especially with Easter being late – there has been little time to re-coup since the start of 2011 and business at Crystal Clear Health is non-stop with a variety of projects in the pipeline and a couple already in launch phase.
Early April, we launched our Ultimate Cardio-Sculpt© class at Jubilee Hall Trust on Saturday mornings for all those looking for a progressive aerobic workout designed to aid fat loss. It has been great fun and very rewarding seeing how quickly clients develop while dealing with their weekly lifestyle challenges.
These sessions were discussed at a seminar (The Secret of Easy Weight-Loss) part of a series that I present at the B-Hive Business Club and relates to both the intensity and duration of exercise.
Duration wise, for your aerobic session to be really effective i.e. increase your metabolism both during and after your session; you need to workout at a relatively high intensity for 40-45mins at least 3 times a week.
Why? –well the first 10 – 12mins of any session is to all intents and purposes a warm up and the last 5mins a cool down – this leaves 30mins for cardio training to take place.
“If you workout for less time you are essentially cutting down and eating into the important cardio training part which burns the most fat.”
Secondly, in that 30min period you should aim to exercise at a medium to high intensity or if you’re in the business, 70% of your VO2 max – you’ll generally know when you’re in this zone if you cannot speak while running, cycling etc. Both old and recent research have shown that working out like this is the only way that exercise speeds your resting metabolic rate, although the scientists still don’t know exactly why this may be the case – check out the latest report in the New York Times: For an Exercise Afterburn, Intensity May Be the Key.
What these reports fail point out however, is how difficult it is to keep this level of intensity up in a session…. it can be done safely if you know how. Being something an intensity junkie, I’ve mastered the art of increasing intensity without risk of injury and learning how and when to take your foot off the gas, to allow the body time to repair. Check out the cardio chapter in Your Health is Your Wealth to find out how to get started.
If you are in Covent Garden on the 11th May at 1pm, pop into the B-Hive lounge for my presentation on ‘How to Combat the Effects of Stress in Women’s’ Bodies’. This free session will take a look at the causes of stress – many of us are over working, not eating properly and simply feel overburdened with money pressure, here you’ll find out what steps you can take to ease the pressures of modern life.
At the end of 2010, CCH acquired a prestigious contract to supply services to the members of Quintessentially – the global luxury concierge club. Mid-April we partnered with Q on a pre-summer competition that I would like everyone to enter – especially if you need a boost to get in shape for the summer with my Bikini Blitz sessions – simply click on www.facebook.com/QuintessentiallyLondon to find out more.
And finally…
By the end of the month, feeling slightly frazzled I managed to head out to Tuscany to the Il Borro Estate & Spa, owned by the Ferragamo family of the famed Salvatore Ferragamo luxury goods brand. Although a business trip (I’m working between there and London over the summer) – it was a pleasure to see such stunning countryside, villas and spa facilities. I felt very blessed indeed to be in this position – life is amazing!
P.s a very big thank-you to my Mum who cooked a splendid Easter Sunday lunch for old friends and family. And mega thanks to all my special friends and family who continue to support, guide and prop me up on the journey of life – see you next month!
For a full listing of classes and events Click Here