We all know that NHS 111 is there to help us if we have an urgent medical need or problem, and that our doctors, GPs and nurses are working tirelessly around the clock during the Coronavirus pandemic. But who is there to help them and their health?
At CCH Live, we are offering FREE 15 minutes consultation* to all NHS workers to show that we care for our carers, and provide NHS workers with support and help during this time.
Our team of experienced and outstanding holistic practitioners are available to help every aspect of your wellbeing, physical and mental health, to relieve the stress and anxiety that can be caused by working for the NHS. Our consultants are also able provide you with advice and information that you can distribute to your patients, that may take some of the strain from the NHS.
With rotas and shift work, and NHS 111 being available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, CCH Live can offer consultations to NHS workers and carers at a time that suits you and your lifestyle.
If you are interested in your FREE 15 minutes consultation*, then click below to book now. This service is also 100% secure and confidential.
*Available until 31st August 2020
#caringforcarers #nhsworkers #freeconsultation #selfcare #mentalhealth #nhsworkerscoronavirus #nhsworkersbenefits #nhsworkershelpline #nhsworkershealth #JHbodycycles #JHyourhealthisyourwealth