During the current lockdown and self isolation measures, our mood can take a downward turn with so much uncertainty about what the future holds – therefore it is important to look after your mental and physical health. Listed below are simple steps you can include in your lifestyle to improve your wellness and raise your mood. Check out our top 5 wellness tips to help you boost your mood during lockdown.
1) Establish a routine as soon as possible
The current chaotic situation can, understandably, create anxiety and stress. Setting up a simple daily routine to follow will help you to ground your energy and will make you feel stable within yourself. Start by going to bed at a regular time. Bingeing on TV series and films late at night will only make you feel more volatile and your mind foggier during the next day.
2) Set realistic goals for your lifestyle
It is important to be realistic during lockdown and create goals that are suited to your lifestyle. Going on an extreme diet, begin marathon training or arranging to grand design your kitchen and bathroom may be a bit too much during this time, and can add to your stress levels. Trying to eat a sensible and healthy diet, getting a bit of exercise and clearing your living space of clutter, are all simple and sensible options at this time. We all need a distraction at the moment, which allows us to focus on the bigger picture.
3) Take time for yourself to relax
Don’t be afraid or feel guilty about making some time for yourself to relax or unwind. Why not have a bath with Epsom salts and essential oils, read your favourite book or a magazine, or listen to music. Now is also the time you can re-establish or explore your hobbies, such as creating and crafting, cooking or sewing, painting and drawing. Remember you do not have to be extremely productive all the time, as this can add pressure and increase your stress levels.
4) Create a calming environment
Try to remove as much clutter as possible from your home environment, as this tends to upset the mind – unless you are one of those fortunate people that it is not affected by mess! Begin by organising your furniture, if you can, to create maximum space, and cover over any unsightly storage or clutter. As we have limited outside time, you should try to open windows to air your home and remove the toxic build-up of the smells from fabrics and paints. You can also use positive and fresh scented candles to boost your mood like rose, grapefruit and rosemary.
5) Don’t forget to have fun
Fun and laughter are the best ways to improve your mood during lock-down. We find calling our friends for a chat or joining in a family video call always ends with jokes and smiles all round. Watching a comedy TV show and funny movies are great tips to move your spirit and offer a form of deep relaxation. Did you know that laughter has been proven to offer great stress relief and releases tension? Laughter not only helps within the stomach physically, it also helps the head, brain and mental health.
We encourage you to follow our 5 best wellness tips in order to boost your mood during this chaotic and stressful time. At CCH Live, we hope you stay safe, well and healthy during lock-down.
Look out for our next blog post to find out how to boost your mood with food.
If you have any further enquires about this or wish to improve your health in general, book a consultation now or call +44 (0)20 7240 0773.
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