In the current crisis of the pandemic, Coronavirus (COVID-19), I’ve put together a number of credible tips and information that have come from the doctors in China recently.
The virus is characterised by the creation of thick mucus that solidifies to obstruct and block the airways and lungs. For medicine to work and to be effective, it must open and unblock the airways, which can take days. It is best practice to safe guard yourself as much as possible.
Here are some tips on how to keep healthy and safe:
Drink hot or warm liquids regularly to keep the mouth moist, for example tea, coffee or hot water – this washes the virus from the mouth to the stomach, where the gastric juices can neutralise it before the virus can reach the lungs.
Gargle with antiseptic mouth wash, vinegar, salt or lemon in warm water. This lowers the risk of the virus moving into the body and attacking the lungs.
Bath or shower when you come in from the street – wash your clothes as all detergents kill the virus. Avoid sitting down or going anywhere in the home – go straight to wash both your body and clothes. If you cannot wash daily, hang your clothes in the direct sunlight which will deactivate the virus.
Wash all metallic surfaces, such as door handles, carefully – the virus can remain on these for up to nine days.
Do not smoke.
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables to not only increase Vitamin C, but also Zinc levels – both of which boost your immune system.
If you have a sore throat or feel one coming, attack it immediately with the previously mentioned measures. This is how the virus enters the body and remains for 3 to 4 days before passing into the lungs.
Wash your hands regularly and for 20 seconds at a time.
Make sure to continue to follow my blog, as I will be providing you with more information about the Coronavirus.
If you have any further enquires about this or wish to improve your health in general, book a consultation now or call +44 (0)20 7240 0773.
For further updates follow @cchlivehealth on Instagram and Facebook.
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