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Walking in Light …

I had such a funny experience this morning; I had to share it with you all. One of the questions I’m generally asked by people wanting to know about meditation is why do you meditate? And 20 years down the line, I think my experience this morning partly answers this.  Many spiritual adepts may spout…

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Relax into winter!

It is difficult to believe that the run-up to Christmas is already here. I hope most of you are not getting too stressed out with shops pushing the seasonal cheer! Stress & winterAt this time of year it is very easy to over-commit at work in the haste to get projects completed before the end…

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Spring training

Well, what can I say … it’s been too wet and the dampness is really not helpful when trying to transform into beach body beauties!  Our metabolism should have moved up a gear but the weather has made it difficult – though not impossible – to get outside,

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